Support Our Work
For close to 50 years, the Oratorio Chorale has promoted and strengthened the choral arts in Maine through innovative programming and high-quality performances of music as a living art. As an essential part of Classical Uprising, Oratorio Chorale benefits from general support for all Classical Uprising programs as well as from gifts designated for Chorale purposes. Contributions from individuals, businesses, and foundations provide essential funding for our programs and help us create community through great art.
Oratorio Chorale is a program of Classical Uprising, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a board of trustees. All gifts to Classical Uprising and its programs are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Individual Contributions
Donate Online
To donate online, either as a one-time gift or a recurring donation, please click the button below. You will be directed to a secure online form.
Mail a Check
To send a check, pledge, or gift of stock, make gifts payable to Classical Uprising and mail to: Classical Uprising, PO Box 7259, Portland ME 04112
To designate your gift as specifically for Oratorio Chorale programs, please indicate that preference on your check.
Community and Foundation Support
Support from our communities comes in the form of business sponsorships, program advertising, and in-kind services. We also rely on the generosity of foundations, grantors, and donor-advised funds.
For more information about sponsorships, advertising, and other forms of giving, please contact oratoriochorale@gmail.com for assistance.